Road trips with your faithful friend

Welcome to the Dog My Dog blog, the site that helps you unearth the best deals from hotels all over Italy for you and your dogs!

For this first article I would like to talk to you about traveling by car. Not everyone likes to travel by car (how many of us have suffered through a trip at least once?!) and even dogs sometimes experience travel as a less than pleasant experience. 

I will tell you about my personal experience and hope to give you some advice. For any questions or curiosity you can contact us at our Facebook pages, Instagram or directly here in the blog!!!

But let's come to us!

Each of us will have had our first experience of the fateful car ride with dogs, and I imagine it was not the same for everyone. Every dog reacts differently and there is nothing you can do about it; it is not the fault of the model of the car or the type of driving (sure, you have to watch out for curves!) in the beginning it may happen that the dog gets carsick, in fact it is quite common.

I will now tell you about my experience with Spike and hope it will be helpful to some of you. Please feel free to ask us questions, we will definitely help you by giving you helpful insights.

I picked up Spike in Sondrio during my time in Milan, so it was necessary to transport him in the car. I had specially purchased a carrier for him, nice and spacious and perhaps far too bulky . He got in there with the easiest naturalness in the world (he was 3 months old and we were amazed at his resourcefulness). When we arrived at our destination, little Spike got out of the car and vomited: he had been waiting for the end of the trip and to get out of the car! Maybe it was unintentional, maybe not, however, this attitude seemed promising for future car trips.

One of Spike's first real trips was in April 2021 where, however, things did not go quite as I had hoped: he would not get in the car at all, and once he was in, he was shaking and drooling a lot. On every trip, it often happened that as soon as he got out of the car, he would vomit (even though we had not given him anything to eat). We then turned to our veterinarian who prescribed car sickness medication. With those, the situation improved slightly, but Spike was still producing a lot of drool (I won't tell you the seats in my car). Always remember to contact veterinarians who I am sure will know what is best for your dog.

At this point you may wonder but so how do you now travel so much with the dog? It is very simple, my best ally has been time. As he grew up, Spike associated fun with car travel (I'm not even going to tell you now how excited he is when he knows he has to leave with us), he stopped shaking, vomiting as soon as he got out, and most importantly no more car sickness drooling. We insisted (naturally and little by little) on taking him in the car with us, until as he grew older, he matured his way of experiencing travel.

Here are some items that have been useful to me while traveling:

-Seat covers (I got my seat cover on Amazon but you can also find it on other sites).


-Dog belt

-His favorite stuffed animal 

-Many cuddles and sweet words!
